On World Environment Day, the Faculty of Education and Training released the programme poster, an event graced by Vice Chancellor Sir and Registrar Sir.
The Faculty of Education and Training celebrated the day with various engaging events:
Awareness Rally and Tree Plantation: Students actively contributed by participating in an awareness rally, carrying placards and chanting slogans to emphasize the importance of environmental conservation. Following the rally, a tree plantation drive was organized, where students planted saplings around the campus, symbolizing their commitment to a greener future.
Drawing and Slogan Competition: The enthusiasm continued with a drawing and slogan competition. Students showcased their creativity by drawing posters that highlighted environmental issues and solutions. They also crafted impactful slogans, with one of the standout slogans being: “हरियाली को अपनाए,
विश्व का भविष्य बचाये।“
The day’s events not only fostered a sense of community and responsibility among the students but also reinforced the importance of environmental stewardship. The slogan, “हरियाली को अपनाए, विश्व का भविष्य बचाये,” encapsulates the spirit of the celebrations, urging everyone to adopt greener practices for a sustainable future.
The event was concluded with Prize and certificate distribution.
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